Legal Notice Esthetic Pavilion 26

Welcome to the information website of the Pavillon Esthétic 26 aesthetic and laser medicine center.



The site is edited by Doctor Emmanuel Antoni who has the authority to present medical information based on his knowledge and experience as a doctor.
It is hosted in France by OVH.
Realization, development and referencing: Tematic medical.


Compliance with the ethical rules of the charter Charter of "Health On the Net" (HONcode) intended for medical and health websites


Any medical information provided on the Pavillon Esthétic 26 website is given solely by Doctor Antoni. The sources of the information present on the site come from the works and texts of Doctor Antoni.


Site missions

This site presents the aesthetic and laser medicine center Pavillon Esthétic 26 and the procedures performed in aesthetic and laser medicine. The information disseminated on the site is essentially intended for the general public, it seeks to encourage, and not to replace, the existing relationship between patient and doctor.



Personal information concerning patients and visitors to the Pavillon Esthétic 26 site, including their identity, is confidential. The person in charge of the site undertakes on his honor to respect the legal conditions of confidentiality of medical information applicable in France. Any information sent by people visiting the site will in no case be communicated to a third party without the prior express consent of the person. At any time, visitors who have submitted information have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them, in accordance with: 1) Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms. 2) to Law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy. To exercise this right, please contact Dr. Antoni by email, post or telephone.


Use of cookies

This site uses Google Analytics to analyze the audience of the site and improve its content. For more information on the privacy rules relating to the use of Google Analytics, click here: This site therefore uses cookies to refuse/delete them, you can configure your browser.


Links of interest

Dr. Antoni declares that he has no conflict of interest concerning the data disseminated on this site. Any claim relating to the benefit or performance of a given treatment, product or commercial service, is associated with appropriate and weighted evidence according to the information given by Dr. Antoni who is based on his knowledge. and his experience as a dermatologist. Doctor Antoni created the information site Pavillon Esthétic 26 for non-commercial purposes and received no funding for its creation. It was entirely financed by Doctor Antoni. The Pavillon Esthétic 26 website does not broadcast any type of advertising.



Dr. Antoni strives to provide the information as clearly as possible. Visitors to the site who would like to obtain details or support can contact him by email and by telephone, the number of which appears on the contact page:


Intellectual property

Doctor Antoni declines all responsibility for any interruption of the site, technical problems and for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the site. The reproduction of all documents published on the Pavillon Esthétic 26 website is only authorized for the exclusive purposes of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited. All articles, photographs and other documents on this site are the property of Dr. Antoni and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. Date of last update of the contents of this page: 02/05/2017

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